Wait Strategies

Automated test scripts are fast. When a test runs quickly, sometimes it can try to act on an element that isn’t quite ready or hasn’t even been drawn yet. ScreenPy allows you to use each of the prominent waiting strategies.

You can also reference Selenium’s “Waits” documentation for more information.

Explicit Waits

ScreenPy provides a Wait function to wait for certain elements to appear, to be clickable, to contain text, or to disappear. These are included as a convenience because they are the most common strategies required. If those strategies aren’t enough, you can also pass in your own strategy. Here are some examples of how this action can be used:

from screenpy.actions import Wait

# waits 20 seconds for the sign in modal to appear

# waits 42 seconds for the welcome banner to disappear

# waits 20 seconds for a custom expected condition

Implicit Waits

Implicit waiting is handled at the driver level. This is the less preferred method of waiting, but it can be useful in some situations, and does prevent a lot of Wait actions being littered around your action chains. Before you pass the driver in, you can set the implicit wait timeout like so:

from selenium.webdriver import Firefox

driver = Firefox()

Perry = AnActor.who_can(BrowseTheWeb.using(driver))

Hard Waits

This method of waiting is discouraged. However, sometimes you just need to pause the script for a few moments, whether it’s for Debugging or if it’s because of an animation that defies any reasonable method of explicitly waiting for it to complete.

In these situations, as a last resort, ScreenPy offers the Pause action. Here are some ways to use it:

from screenpy.actions import Pause

Perry.attempts_to(Pause.for_(30).seconds_because("I need to get a new locator."))

Perry.attempts_to(Pause.for_(500).milliseconds_because("the banner animation must finish."))